publicaciones 2009

-Arenas A., Giurfa M., Farina W.M., Sandoz J.C. Early olfactory experience modifies neural activity in the antennal lobe of a social insect at the adult stage European Journal of Neuroscience, 30:1498-1508, 2009

-Arenas A., Fernández V., Farina W.M. Associative learning during early adulthood enhances later memory retention in honeybees. PLoS ONE 4(12):e8046. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008046, 2009;

-Grüter C., Farina W.M. Why do honeybee foragers follow waggle dances? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25:584-585, 2009 

-Grüter C., Balbuena M.S., Farina W.M. Retention of long-term memories in different age-groups of honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers. Insectes Sociaux, , 56:385–387, 2009.

-Fernández V., Arenas A., Farina W.M. Passive volatile exposure within the honeybee hive and its effect on odor discrimination. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 195:759–768, 2009

-Grüter C., Farina W.M. Past experiences affect interaction patterns among foragers and hive-mates in honeybees. Ethology, 115:790-797, 2009

-Grüter C., Farina W.M. The honeybee waggle dance: can we follow the steps? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25:242-247, 2009 (commented in New Scientist. Rethinking the bee’s waggle dance, by Caroline Williams, 18/9/2009;

-Farina W.M., Grüter C. Trophallaxis – a mechanism of information transfer. In: Food Exploitation by Social Insects: Ecological, Behavioral, and Theoretical Approaches (Ed. by M Hrncir & S.Jarau). Boca Raton, CRC Press; pp. 173-187, 2009 

-Mc Cabe S.I., Farina W.M. Odor information transfer in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata: effect of in-hive experiences on classical conditioning of proboscis extension. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195:113–122, 2009 

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