Dr. Alejandro Delorenzi
Profesor, Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular, FCEN, UBA.
Investigador Independiente CONICET
Lic. Ciencias Biológicas, FCEyN, UBA. 1987-1993. Tesina de Licenciatura: Papel del
sistema bradikininergico en ratas espontáneamente hipertensas.
Doctor, UBA. 1994-1999. Tesis de Doctorado: FCEyN, UBA. Titulo:
“Las angiotensinas: su papel en procesos de memoria y homeostasis de fluidos en
el cangrejo Chasmagnathus granulata.” Director: H. Maldonado.
Investigador Principal CONICET: 2018-
Profesor Asociado FCEyN, UBA: 2018-
144 Normal 0 21 false false false ES-AR X-NONE X-NONE
· Sánchez Beisel JM, Maza FJ, Justel N, Fernandez Larrosa PN*, Delorenzi A*. Embodiment of an Emotional State Concurs with a Stress-Induced Reconsolidation Impairment Effect on an Auditory Verbal Word-List Memory. Neuroscience. 2022 Aug 10;497:239-256. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.04.012.
· Maza FJ*, Urbano FJ, Delorenzi A*. Contextual memory reactivation modulates Ca2+-activity network state in a mushroom body-like center of the crab N. granulata. Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 6;12(1):11408. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15502-1.
· Maza FJ, Sztarker J, Cozzarin ME, Lepore MG, Delorenzi A*. A crabs’ high-order brain center resolved as a mushroom body-like structure. J Comp Neurol. 2021 Feb;529(3):501-523 . doi: 10.1002/cne.24960.
· H Gonzalez, L Bloise, FJ Maza, VA Molina, A Delorenzi*. Memory built in conjunction with a stressor is privileged: Reconsolidation-resistant memories in the crab Neohelice. Brain Research Bulletin 2020 Apr;157:108-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2020.01.014
· Pablo Nicolás Fernández Larrosa, Alejandro Ojea, Ignacio Ojea, Victor Alejandro Molina, María Aurelia Zorrilla-Zubilete, Alejandro Delorenzi*. 2017. Retrieval under stress decreases the long-term expression of a human declarative memory via reconsolidation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2017, 142 (Pt A):135-145.
· Francisco Javier Maza, Julieta Sztarker, Avishag Shkedy Fernando Locatelli, Natacha Pezzano, Alejandro Delorenzi*. 2016. Context-dependent memory traces in the crab’s mushroom bodies: Functional support for a common origin of high-order memory centers. PNAS. vol. 113 no. 49, E7957–E7965. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States Of America. Featured Image: www.pnas.org/site/media/Featured_Image_crab.xhtml
· Maza, F. J., Locatelli, F. F., & Delorenzi A*. 2016. Neural correlates of expression-independent memories in the crab Neohelice. Neurobiol Learn Mem, 131, 61-75.
· Memory Beyond Expression. Journal of Physiology – Paris. 2014 Delorenzi A*.; Maza F.; Suárez, L,D.; Barreiro, K.; Molina V., Stehberg, J. 108(4-6):307-22.
· Memory expression is independent of memory labilization/reconsolidation. Barreiro KA, Suarez LD, Lynch VM, Molina VA, Delorenzi A*. 2013, Neurobiol Learn Mem 106C:283-291
· Martín Beron de Astrada,, Mercedes Bengochea, Julieta Sztarker, Alejandro Delorenzi, and Daniel Tomsic. Behaviorally Related Neural Plasticity in the Arthropod Optic Lobes. Current Biology 2013, Curr Biol 23:1389-1398.
· “The temporal dynamics of enhancing a human declarative memory during reconsolidation.” Coccoz V, Sandoval AV, Stehberg J, Delorenzi A* 2013. Neuroscience 185:61-72.
· “Dissociation between memory reactivation and its behavioural expression: scopolamine interferes with memory expression without disrupting long-term storage”. Caffaro P, Suarez L, Blake M and Delorenzi A*. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2012; 98(3):235-45.
- “Choline reverses scopolaminic amnesia by improving memory reconsolidation”. MG Blake, MM Boccia, MC Krawczyk, A Delorenzi, CM Baratti. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2012. 98, 2, 112–121.
· “Food odor, visual danger stimulus, and retrieval of an aversive memory trigger heat shock protein HSP70 expression in the olfactory lobe of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus” Lia Frenkel, Beatriz Dimant, Enrique L. Portiansky, Héctor Maldonado, Alejandro Delorenzi*. Neuroscience, 10;201:239-51, 2012
· *The enhancement of reconsolidation with a naturalistic mild stressor improves the expression of a declarative memory in humans. Verónica Coccoz; Héctor Maldonado and Alejandro Delorenzi*. Neuroscience, 185: 61–72, 2011.
· *Enhancement of long-term memory expression by a single trial during consolidation. Leticia Smal, Luis Daniel Suárez, Alejandro Delorenzi*. Neuroscience Letters, 3;487(1):36-40, 2011.
· *Angiotensin modulates long-term memory expression but not long-term memory retention in the crab Chasmagnathus: Lia Frenkel; Luis Súarez, Héctor Maldonado and Alejandro Delorenzi*. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 94(4):509-20, porotaje.
· Lia Frenkel, Beatriz Dimant, Enrique L. Portiansky, Hans Imboden, Héctor Maldonado and Alejandro Delorenzi*. Neuroanatomic distribution of angiotensin II-like neuropeptide within the central nervous system of the crab Chasmagnathus. Physiological changes triggered by water deprivation. Cell Tissue Res. 2010; 341(1):181-95.
· Luis D Suárez, Leticia Smal; Alejandro Delorenzi*. Updating contextual information during consolidation as result of a new memory trace. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 93 (2010) 561–571
· Frenkel, B Dimant, E Porstiansky, H Mladonado and A Delorenzi*. Both heat shock and water deprivation trigger Hsp70 expression in crab’s olfactory lobes. Neurosc. Lett. (10: 443(3):251-6 2008.
· L. Frenkel, H. Maldonado and A. Delorenzi*. “Retrieval improvement is induced by water shortage through angiotensin II”. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 83(2):173-7 (2005).
· Frenkel L, Maldonado H y Delorenzi A*. “Memory strengthening by a real-life episode during reconsolidation: An outcome of water deprivation via brain angiotensin II”. European Journal of Neuroscience Vol. 22, 1757–1766, 2005.
· Mariana Feld, Beatriz Dimant, Alejandro Delorenzi, Omar Coso, Arturo Romano. Phosphorylation of extra-nuclear ERK/MAPK is required for long-term memory consolidation in the crab Chasmagnathus. Behavioural Brain Research. 30;158(2):251-61. (2005)
· Lia Frenkel, Ramiro Freudenthal, Arturo Romano, Victor E. Nahmod, Héctor Maldonado and Alejandro Delorenzi*. “Angiotensin II and transcription factor Rel/NF-kB link environmental water shortage with memory improvement”. Neuroscience 115(4):1079-87 (2002).
· Alejandro Delorenzi*, Beatriz Dimant, Lía Frenkel, Victor E. Nahmod, Dick R. Nässel and Héctor Maldonado. High environmental salinity induces memory enhancement and increase of brain angiotensin-like peptides in the crab Chasmagnathus. Journal of Experimental Biology 203:3369–79 (2000). Comentado en Science Update por Valerie Depraetere, 3 de noviembre ted by endogenous angiotensin II. Neuroscience Letters. 266(1):1-4 (1999).
· R. Freudenthal, F. Locatelli, G. Hermite, H. Maldonado, C. Lafurcade, A. Delorenzi y A. Romano. Kappa-B DNA-binding activity is enhanced after space training that induces long term habituation in the crab Chasmagnathus. Neuroscience Letters, 242(3):143-6 (1998).
· A. Delorenzi, F. Locattelli, Romano A.,V.E. Nahmod and H. Maldonado. Angiotensin II (3-8) (ANG IV) induces long term memory improvement in the crab Chasmagnathus. Neuroscience Letters. 226:143-6 (1997).
· A. Delorenzi, M.E. Pedreira, A. Romano, S.I. Garcia, C.J. Pirola and H. Maldonado Angiotensin II enhances long-term memory process of the crab Chasmagnathus. Brain Research Bull. 41(4):211-20 (1996).
· Romano, A. Locatelli, F, A. Delorenzi, M. E. Pedreira, and H. Maldonado Effects of activation and inhibition of cAMP-dependent Protein-kinase on long-term habituation of the crab Chasmagnathus. Brain Research, 735:131-140, (1996).
· Garcia, S.M. Dabsys, V.N.Martnez, A. Delorenzi, D.Santajuliana, V.E. Nahmod, S.Finkielman and C.J. Pirola. Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Hyperactivity in the Preoptic Area os Spontaneuosly Hypertensive Rats. Hypertension, 26(6):1105-10, (1995).
· A. Delorenzi, E.M. Pedreira, A. Romano, C.J. Pirola, V.E. Nahmod and H. Maldonado. Acute administration of angiotensin II improves long-term habituation in the crab Chasmagnathus. Neuroscience Letters. 3:193-196 (1995).
· A. Romano, A. Delorenzi, M.E. Pedreira, D. Tomsic and H. Maldonado. Acute administration of a permeant analog of cAMP and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor improve long-term habituation in the crab Chasmagnathus. Behavioral Brain Research. 75(1-2):119-15 (1995)
· S.I. Garcia, S.M. Dabsys, V.N. Martinez, A. Delorenzi, D. Santajuliana, V.E. Nahmod, S. Finkielman, C.J. Pirola. Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Hyperactivity in the Preoptic Area of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Hypertension, 26: 1105-1110 (1995).
· Garcia, S.M. Dabsys, D. Santajuliana, A. Delorenzi, S. Finkielman, V.E. Nahmod, C.J. Pirola. Interaction between thyrotropin releasing hormone and muscarinic cholinergic system in the rat brain. Journal of Endocrinology, 134:215-9 (1992).
· S.I. Garcia, Pirola C.J., Dabsys S.M., D. Santajuliana, A. Delorenzi, S. Finkielman, V.E. Nahmod. The cholinergic system participates in the TRH regulation. Neuroscience Letters, 135:193-5 (1992).
A.L. Alvarez, A. Delorenzi, D. Santajuliana, S. Finkielman, V.E. Nahmod, C.J. Pirola. Central bradykininergic system