-Vázquez DE, Ilina N, Pagano EA, Zavala JA, Farina WM (2018). Glyphosate affects the larval development of honey bees depending on the susceptibility of colonies. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205074. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0205074 -Balbuena ...
Publicaciones 2017
-Mc Cabe SI, Benetoli Ferro MW, Farina WM, Hrncir M (2017). Dose- and time-dependent effects of oral octopamine treatments on the sucrose responsiveness in stingless bees (Melipona scutellaris). Apidologie 48: 1-7. doi:10.1007/s13592-016-0442-x
Publicaciones 2016
-Ramírez G, Fagundez C, Grosso JP, Argibay P, Arenas A, Farina WM (2016). Odor experiences during preimaginal stages cause behavioral and neural plasticity in adult honeybees. Frontiers in Behavioral Neurosciences 10:105. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00105 ...
Publicaciones 2015
-Mengoni Goñalons C, Farina WM (2015). Effects of sublethal doses of imidacloprid on young adult honeybee behavior. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140814. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140814 -Mc Cabe SI, Hrncir M, Farina WM (2015). Vibrating donor-partners during tr ...
Publicaciones 2014
-Herbert L, Vázquez D, Arenas A, Farina WM (2014). Effects of field-realistic doses of glyphosate on honeybee appetitive behavior. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217:3457-3464. doi:10.1242/jeb.109520 -Arenas A, Farina WM (2014). Bias to pollen ...
Publicaciones 2013
-Grüter C, Schürch R, Farina WM (2013). Task-partitioning in insect societies: non-random interactions affect both colony efficiency and information flow. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 327: 23–33. -Díaz PC, Arenas A, Fernandez V, Susic Martin, C, Ba ...
Publicaciones 2012
-Fernández VM, Giurfa M, Devaud JM, Farina WM (2012). Latent inhibition in an insect: the role of aminergic signaling. Learning and Memory, 19: 593-597. doi/10.1101/lm.028167.112. -Balbuena MS, Arenas A, Farina WM, (2012). Floral scents learned inside ...
Publicaciones 2011
Hrncir M, Maia-Silva C, Mc Cabe SI, Farina WM (2011). The recruiter’s excitement – Thorax vibration features of the honey bee’s waggle dance related to food source profitability. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214 4055-4064
Publicaciones 2010
-Ramírez G, Martinez A, Fernández V, Corti Bielsa G, Farina WM (2010). The influence of honeybee gustatory responsiveness on in-hive social interactions. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13498. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013498 -http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Ad ...
Publicaciones 2010
-Ramírez G, Martinez A, Fernández V, Corti Bielsa G, Farina WM (2010). The influence of honeybee gustatory responsiveness on in-hive social interactions. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13498. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013498 -http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Ad ...